“We are all leaders in one way or another and when we choose to be responsible for what is happening in and around us, we are able to work together in a way that includes and utilizes the unique talents of everyone.”

– The Coaches Training Institute

As an executive leader, you’re not leading a faceless organization. You’re leading real individuals and these individuals all need to come together and move toward the same goal.
By discovering who the individuals on your team are, you can then see how everyone can work best together. This creates more engagement in each individual – engagement in your collectively defined goal and in their personal, unique role in supporting the goal. The result? An environment that encourages collective leadership, where each individual is accountable and engaged in their responsibility.

In building this mindset of “how can we lead together” over “everyone for themselves,” you focus on developing a high performing team that has greater impact on the bottom line.



Systemic Team Coaching Model


But, executive team coaching is not about sitting in a circle and holding hands until everyone gets along. Here, we focus on your team as a system and develop the team to address your system’s unique challenges.

With this mindset, we co-design a program customized to fit your organization’s and your team’s individual needs. Customization is guided by:

  • Best practices from International Systemic Team Coaching Certification
  • Team Coaching 360 survey for High Performing Team
  • Extensive and globally recognized leadership coaching certification and experience
  • Practical solutions informed by real-world business experience

Of course, we also focus on achieving tangible results as defined by you, such as improving your bottom-line, successfully entering a new market, or creating a high performing team, building cooperation as a core competency across all departments.

Curious about creating results with collective leadership? Connect for an initial complimentary consult to learn more.